Sonntag, Dezember 27


tieko im sorry im so bad :(
i know u say im not bad and that u accept my apologys always but i still say sorry. u mean so much to me omg and ur one person i really really dont want to walk away from my life but i annoy u so easily or i get angry so easily or make u angry and it annoys me too becos i know how im capable to ruin everything and its the last thing i want to happen!!!! i will probly still always get mad when u leave me at icq but i still know u always come back for me becosur so good person and u dont ever leave me yet. thanku for be so good to me and always come back even when i do so bad things to angry make u!!! i appreciate every minutes u choose to talk to me instead of doing other things that are so much better in ur life, u make me happy and feel confidunte when i know even thouh im just a 14 year boy and ur a adult u always respect me and treat me like im on the same level as u and that is how i wish everyone can treat someone so thanku for be the best friend to me like this and not judge me . all the things i telled u do u never judge me for it! u always accept that its just me and just how i am and thanku so much for never try to make me think less of myself. thanku so much tieko for everything!!!!!!!!!! i always miss u when ur not online!!! but hopefully when u need to sleep or go to school i learn to function away from u :P stay who u are tieko :) :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. :) O Mäx, you are such a wonderful character.
    I am struggling to think of things to say because this blog has made me blush x3 You say things that make it sound like talking to you is a chore, but Mäx I enjoy talking to you very much! I treat you as an equal because you are an equal in so many ways, as well as superior in other ways! Age is not important in the end, I am no more an adult than you xD
    You do not make me angry, this is an emotion I try to avoid because it only leads me to do bad things. If you sometimes annoy me, that is okay too though because you are human and cannot be perfect - everyone annoys someone at one point or another! ;P
    I will try to stay myself, if not improve to reflect the things I have learned from you!
