Mittwoch, Oktober 21

i want to be cute one day

maybe here is cute :3
maybe when i am happy again i can be cute....

i miss smiling...

6 Kommentare:

  1. brauchst du jemand zum das sagen oder?
    Weil du totaaaal hüüübsch bist, omg!
    Warum kannst du nicht verstehen? =P
    Du bist doooch schön immer!
    Seh das bitte! =P
    x x x x

  2. Cousin, do yo know what you are saying?
    I don't think so, because you are just absolutely beautiful!
    You're right when you think this photos is cute and everytime i see that smile, i feel warm inside! Your eyes show off the beautiful person who you are and the people that can't make you smile at the moment do not understand what they are missing out on! ;]
    Always stay true, little Maćkzę leaf.
    я надеюсь увидеть вас скоро, сладостные листья! :]

  3. Mein schöner baby :)
    Ich probierte zum die letzter Blog lesen, aben wie du sagte es ist total auf Englisch!
    Und die Englisch shaut sehr gut, mein süß intelligenter Junge auf jeden Fall. Velleicht einmal du kannst nach mir unterrichten oder ja hey?
    Hab dich ganz Lieb, Maus.
    Jetzt liegst du bei Operationtisch.. ich wünschen zu da sein, aber naklar es nicht möglich ist :(
    Ich hab Schmerz bei die Herz wenn du bist so weit weg.. ich hoffe sum bald halt dir baby...
    du bist so starke wann ich für alles verantwortlich fühlen.
    Ich halt dich so tief süß!
    Bis bald mein Maus!

  4. Määäääxy, du bist sauuu nervig wenn du das sagen!
    Weil du schööön süß bist!
    Adam was doch nett :)
    Wo ist jetztz Iselaaa?
    Ret dein Junge was er brauchst zum hören :P
    Du machst ihr sooo fröh, Mäx! :)
    Du bist ein totaler traumfreund! <3

  5. I don't know what I can say that your friends and family have not already said with such grace :(

    You are so adorable in that picture of you and Adam, there is no 'maybe' to be discussed. Why do you not see this? And you are just as cute (but more likely cuter) now, Mäx.
    I have my guesses why you do not think you are cute, or maybe why you just refuse to say you are... but these are sad things I hope are not true :(
    I hope you are just extremely modest because in reality you are wonderful in every way, even beauty! :)

    Maybe now is not the time to try and help you see your beauty... Happiness, as you have said, may help you and for this I think time will be the true healer. We must wait for all these painful surgeries and recoveries to pass, and then give some time to go back to what some might call a more 'normal' life. But you would not be 'normal', you would still be extraordinary, Mäx! :) Then you may be able to enjoy the simple joys of life that you seem to lose when you are in such pain :(
    Maybe then you can be happy and you can realise how gorgeous and amazing you really are.

    But for now Mäx, do not say or suggest that you are not cute :( I remember you philosophy all the time, how you say thinking bad thoughts brings more bad things. If you keep saying you are not cute, you will believe it more and more, and it will be harder to change that belief when you are happy again :(

    I wish I could help you more. I wish you could smile as much as you used to because your smile is so wonderful- it makes me, and I assume everyone else, feel so warm inside when we see it.
    I believe happiness will come to you if you persist Mäx; you deserve happiness more than all the people I know.

  6. Yur so cute cousin ☺
    I wish that yur happy soon
    becauz i miss yur smiling too!
    When will yu come again to Belarus?
    Can i see yu in Poland with Christmas?
    Stay beautiful! ☺
